
全球研究 & 课程的旅行

考虑到保利? 我们很高兴见到你!

上学校 students enjoy opportunities to expand their learning and perspectives beyond the classroom. 在学年期间, they embark on local curricular excursions within New York City, 三州地区, 以及美国各地.

保利还提供 课程旅行路径, immersive trips abroad designed to help students not only deepen their language skills and understanding of diverse 文化s, 而是为了更好地理解自己的关系, 以及对, 世界.

在我们的 全球研究证书课程, students join a cohort of peers and faculty who are invested in sustainability as a contemporary, 历史, 全球问题. 学生在 the program are passionate leaders who think about and create solutions to challenges, and present innovative approaches to building a sustainable world.

在2024-25,我们的高中 课程旅行路径 课程包括三个令人兴奋的国际体验:

  • 的学生 法国 能融入法语文化吗, traveling from Paris to the Mediterranean coast while honing their conversational speaking skills.
  • 普通话版块的学生, our China trip combines language immersion with cultural exploration, 从紫禁城到成都的熊猫保护.
  • 的学生 西班牙语 可以开始厄瓜多尔和秘鲁之旅吗, where they’ll practice their language skills while discovering the unique ecosystems of the Galápagos Islands and the ancient wonders of Machu Picchu. 

Each trip is designed to deepen students’ understanding of language, 文化, and global issues through hands-on 经验s and meaningful interactions.

Current families may find additional information and details for the 2024-25 课程旅行路径 by 访问父门户l.

9年级, students may begin participating in 聚’s 全球研究 program. This new certificate program offers a four-year interdisciplinary journey, combining rigorous language study with curricular and co-curricular courses, 和项目.

在他们上高中的时候, students blend coursework offered in the curriculum guide that is driven by their interests and the actions needed to address global challenges.

In 12年级 高级语言学生也可以申请 全球研究语言学者计划, a transformative and culminating 经验 of their 全球研究 and language coursework.

See below for more details and a timeline of our 全球研究证书课程 by grade.


上学校 students enrolled in the 全球研究证书课程 follow a unique path that evolves over their time at 聚.



  • 高年级学生建立凝聚力 投资组合 of curricular and co-curricular work and develop a Senior 顶石 project that emerges from the 投资组合. 
  • 全球研究’ students pursue language study across all four years, 拥有最高水平的学生—— 全球研究与语言学者 -适用于 出国旅行 在他们12年级的时候进行身临其境的体验. This prepares them for presenting their Senior 顶石 project in the language of their choice.
  • 参与 全球研究语言学者计划 in 2025 will be noted on transcripts upon acceptance of the 投资组合 and designated on diploma upon completion of the Senior 顶石 project.


学生在 9 - 11年级 将他们的工作集中在 联合国可持续发展目标 (西班牙), using course work and co-curricular activities to address one of the following areas/tracks of the SDGs:

  • 环境可持续性

学生完成的工作,解决 负责任的使用、保存、保护和行动 与我们的环境有关.

  • 制度可持续性

学生完成的工作,解决 公正、公平和有韧性的制度 for local/global collaboration, development, and protection of rights.

  • 社会可持续性

学生完成的工作,解决 健康和包容的人类社区 基于可访问性.



学生在 九年级及十年级 show a commitment to learning a target language over 4 years and begin to build a 投资组合, including written reflection that demonstrates a connection to the student’s interest in 全球研究.


  • 参加… 服务学习小组 (SLT)
  • 参加… 课程旅行路径 经验
  • Present class work related to sustainability at a monthly, public 全球研究午餐

After committing to language study and beginning their 投资组合 through one of the above options, 十年级学生 will consult with the 全球研究 Faculty Committee and work with their dean to identify a focus for their 投资组合 during 11年级.



After committing to language study and beginning their 投资组合 through one of the three options for 9年级 and 10年级, 十年级学生 will consult with a member of the 全球研究 Faculty Committee and work with their dean to:

  • Identify a focus for their 投资组合 (environmental, social, institutional)
  • 计划11年级的课程
  • Submit a preliminary 投资组合 for feedback at the end of 10年级

Students’ 全球研究 work is rooted in thinking cross-culturally, 跨国性, 跨学科, 和批判性, 十大网堵平台我们生活的世界.  结果,学生 成为熟练的跨文化沟通者和合作者.

After committing to language study and one of the noted tracks by the end of 10年级, 11年级 学生将:

  • 全年继续增加他们的投资组合
  • Prepare a presentation for the 全球研究 Faculty Committee at the end of the year that reflects on the 投资组合 and proposes a Senior 顶石 以投资组合为基础的项目
  • 2026届, participation in the 全球研究 Program will be noted on transcripts upon acceptance of the 投资组合 by our Faculty Committee and the 高中校长.


到了秋天, 12年级 高级语言学生可以申请 全球研究语言学者计划. 只有少数人会被选中参加 全额资助2-3周沉浸式海外语言学习 经验 to prepare for presenting Senior 顶石 in the target language.

  • 感兴趣的一个pplicants will submit their Senior 顶石 proposal and interview with World Languages faculty in the target language.
  • A small group of Global Language Scholars will be selected each fall and receive designation on their diploma.
  • A small group of students will be selected to study abroad in a fully-funded, immersive language study in May while researching and preparing their Senior 顶石 project. 
  • 学生们用目标语言——法语来展示他们的项目, 西班牙语, or 普通话/English–to a group of teachers and community members proficient in the language.
  • 参与 全球研究 Program will be noted on the diploma and in the Commencement program upon completion of the Senior 顶石 project.
  • 全球学者一览



    • 高年级学生建立凝聚力 投资组合 of curricular and co-curricular work and develop a Senior 顶石 project that emerges from the 投资组合. 
    • 全球研究’ students pursue language study across all four years, 拥有最高水平的学生—— 全球研究与语言学者 -适用于 出国旅行 在他们12年级的时候进行身临其境的体验. This prepares them for presenting their Senior 顶石 project in the language of their choice.
    • 参与 全球研究语言学者计划 in 2025 will be noted on transcripts upon acceptance of the 投资组合 and designated on diploma upon completion of the Senior 顶石 project.
  • 环境可持续性



    学生在 9 - 11年级 将他们的工作集中在 联合国可持续发展目标 (西班牙), using course work and co-curricular activities to address one of the following areas/tracks of the SDGs:

    • 环境可持续性

    学生完成的工作,解决 负责任的使用、保存、保护和行动 与我们的环境有关.

    • 制度可持续性

    学生完成的工作,解决 公正、公平和有韧性的制度 for local/global collaboration, development, and protection of rights.

    • 社会可持续性

    学生完成的工作,解决 健康和包容的人类社区 基于可访问性.

  • 服务学习小组



    学生在 九年级及十年级 show a commitment to learning a target language over 4 years and begin to build a 投资组合, including written reflection that demonstrates a connection to the student’s interest in 全球研究.


    • 参加… 服务学习小组 (SLT)
    • 参加… 课程旅行路径 经验
    • Present class work related to sustainability at a monthly, public 全球研究午餐

    After committing to language study and beginning their 投资组合 through one of the above options, 十年级学生 will consult with the 全球研究 Faculty Committee and work with their dean to identify a focus for their 投资组合 during 11年级.

  • 全球研究10级可持续发展目标



    After committing to language study and beginning their 投资组合 through one of the three options for 9年级 and 10年级, 十年级学生 will consult with a member of the 全球研究 Faculty Committee and work with their dean to:

    • Identify a focus for their 投资组合 (environmental, social, institutional)
    • 计划11年级的课程
    • Submit a preliminary 投资组合 for feedback at the end of 10年级
  • 全球研究证书


    Students’ 全球研究 work is rooted in thinking cross-culturally, 跨国性, 跨学科, 和批判性, 十大网堵平台我们生活的世界.  结果,学生 成为熟练的跨文化沟通者和合作者.

    After committing to language study and one of the noted tracks by the end of 10年级, 11年级 学生将:

    • 全年继续增加他们的投资组合
    • Prepare a presentation for the 全球研究 Faculty Committee at the end of the year that reflects on the 投资组合 and proposes a Senior 顶石 以投资组合为基础的项目
    • 2026届, participation in the 全球研究 Program will be noted on transcripts upon acceptance of the 投资组合 by our Faculty Committee and the 高中校长.
  • 全球研究与语言学者



    到了秋天, 12年级 高级语言学生可以申请 全球研究语言学者计划. 只有少数人会被选中参加 全额资助2-3周沉浸式海外语言学习 经验 to prepare for presenting Senior 顶石 in the target language.

    • 感兴趣的一个pplicants will submit their Senior 顶石 proposal and interview with World Languages faculty in the target language.
    • A small group of Global Language Scholars will be selected each fall and receive designation on their diploma.
    • A small group of students will be selected to study abroad in a fully-funded, immersive language study in May while researching and preparing their Senior 顶石 project. 
    • 学生们用目标语言——法语来展示他们的项目, 西班牙语, or 普通话/English–to a group of teachers and community members proficient in the language.
    • 参与 全球研究 Program will be noted on the diploma and in the Commencement program upon completion of the Senior 顶石 project.
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